When you own a vehicle in Columbia, SC, you also need to have an auto insurance policy in place. It is illegal to drive without the state minimum amounts of coverage on your vehicle. Whether you just got a vehicle and you need to get coverage or your current policy is about to end, you need to make sure you get coverage as soon as possible. If you do not, here at Michael Taylor Agency, we know that the penalties can really cause a problem for you.
South Carolina is a state that uses AILR which stands for Automobile Insurance Liability Reporting System. With this system, if you were to cancel or let a policy lapse, the insurance provider will immediately notify the DMV of the cancelation. With this new system in place, there is no hiding from the government. The DMV will send a letter, and you will have 20 days to prove that you do have sufficient coverage. If you fail to do so, you face having your license and vehicle registration suspended, and you may lose your right to operate any vehicle. You will also have to pay at least $200 in reinstatement fees to bring all of these things current when you do get adequate insurance coverage.
As you can see, you want to make sure that you have at least the minimum about of coverage through an auto insurance policy. This is not something that you want to leave to chance. If you do not currently have a policy in place, are not sure if your current policy meets the minimum requirements, or if you are simply looking for a new policy, make sure you contact us at Michael Taylor Agency, serving Columbia, SC, today. We can provide you with a free quote for coverage and can make sure that you have the minimum amount of coverage as soon as possible.